
Everything that the university does not teach you.

GEA academy

Online Courses

Explore wide-range of online courses


Learn from the best experts of the subjects


Allow you to learn anywhere, anytime


In terms of content, we develop the same training material. The only difference lies in how you choose to attend our trainings.

Buy the program online
Live Zoom Meetings
In the classroom

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Improving Lives

Through Learning

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Achieve Your Goals with GEA


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Learners report career benefits


Modules from top instructors


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Frequent asked Questions

Are these trainings only for entrepreneurs?

No. These trainings, according to their specific features, are for a wide range of professions.

What is the difference between the training programs?

We develop trainings categorized as follows:

  • Dedicated 3-month curriculum for managers & intrepreneurs
  • Dedicated 5-month curriculum for entrepreneurs & executives
  • Dedicated 3-month curriculum for real estate & e-property experts
  • Dedicated 5-month curriculum for real estate entrepreneurs & executives
What do you mean by the terms 'program' and 'module'?

GEA Academy conducts multidimensional educational trainings in 2 branches: (1) Entrepreneurship and Management and (2) Real Estate Expert and e-Properties. For each branch, there are two programs: 3 months and 5 months, based on the level of expertise that each student wants to obtain. These branches and their programs are organized based on the relevant curriculum, which consists of modules with different topics: finance module, marketing module, digital transformation module and so on. A module can last (minimum) 2 hours, and (maximum) 6 hours.

What’s the difference between the 3 categories of training packages?

In terms of content, we develop the same training material. The only difference lies in how you choose to attend our trainings.

(1) In the classroom: being physically present in our premises at the ETC Gallery in Tirana

(2) Live Zoom Meetings: in live connection while the training takes place in our physical classrooms, where you can participate in real time with your questions

(3) Buy the Program Online: by choosing to buy this package, you have the opportunity to access all the curriculum material that has been developed in real time at the GEA academy, returning to the materials whenever you wish

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